AT1000 Potentiometric Titrator with 1 Burette - Model AT1102

AT1000 Potentiometric Titrator with 1 Burette - Model AT1102
Product #: AT1102.97
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Parameter/Range/Reagent Information

Acid-Base Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  AT1000 Total Acid Number (TAN) Titration Automatic Titrator Method 0.05 - 260 mg/L TAN View  
  AT1000 Total Base Number (TBN) Titration Automatic Titrator Method 1 - 100 mg/L TBN View  
Acidity Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  AT1000 Acidity in Milk Titration Automatic Titrator Method 7 - 85 C₃H₆O₃ dg/L View  
  AT1000 Acidity in Tomato Sauce Titration Automatic Titrator Method 2 - 24.3 g/L Citric Acid    
  AT1000 Acidity in Wine, Juice Titration Automatic Titrator Method 2 - 24.3 g/L Citric Acid    
Alkalinity Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  AT1000 Alkalinity Automatic Titrator Method 40 - 2000 mg/L CaCO₃ View  
Bromine Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  AT1000 Bromine Number ASTM D1159-07 Bromine Number 0.500 - 200/100 g g Br₂    
FOS/TAC Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  AT1000 FOS/TAC Automatic Titrator Method 400 - 25000 mg/L CaCO₃ View  
  AT1000 FOS/TAC Automatic Titrator Method 600 - 80000 mg/L CH₃COOH View