Chloride TNTplus Vial Test (1.0-1,000 mg/L Cl), 24 Tests

Product #: TNT879
Unit Price Contact Hach


Expert Chloride test made simple.

Chloride TNTplus chemistry and your Hach spectrophotometer are engineered to simplify water analysis for accurate results, everytime. For determination of Chloride by the Iron(III)-thiocyanate method. With Chloride TNTplus reagents, simply add your sample to the vial and invert to mix. After zeroing with the included zero vial insert the sample vial into your Hach spectrophotometer! The Direct Read Technology will provide your Chloride results to the nearest mg/L! The new chloride TNT879 covers two different ranges: 1 - 70 mg/L and 70 - 1,000 mg/L.

Upgrade from traditional chloride methods to TNTplus Chloride reagents today!

24 Chloride vials and one zero vial per box.

  • Easy and safe handling
  • No reagent blank necessary
  • Automatic method detection
  • Documented shelf life and COA

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