Dissolved Oxygen 3 Reagent Powder Pillows, 60mL sample, pk/25

Dissolved Oxygen 3 Reagent Powder Pillows, 60mL sample, pk/25
Product #: 98768-CA
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Parameter/Range/Product Information

Dissolved Oxygen Method Range Instr, Test Kit, etc USEPA Compliant?
  8215 Modified Winkler Method, 300 m/L BOD Bottle, Digital Titrator Azide Modification of Winkler Method 1 - 10 mg/L O₂ View  
  8332 0 - 20 mg/L    
  8332 Modified Winkler Method, 60 m/L BOD Bottle, Digital Titrator Azide Modification of Winkler Method 1 - 10 mg/L greater than 10 mg/L View