Encapsulated LCP (Liquid Crystal Polymer) Differential pH Sensor, 5-Wire with Internal Preamplifier, Glass Electrode, 10m Cable

Product #: 6028P033
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Differential pH sensor with innovative measurement technology using 3 electrodes. Low maintanance, versatile mounting styles, great accuracy and reliability. Chemical resistant body.
By the field-proven technique, process (glass) and reference electrodes measure differentially with respect to a third ground electrode for excellent measurement accuracy and reduced junction potential. Built in preamplifier to provide strong signal
for transmittance on long distance. Designed for tee-mounting or pipe mounting for immersion. Chemically resistant and mechanically strong body for use even in aggressive process solutions. Low heat distortion, suitable for cooling/heating cycles.
Installation in metal fittings without fear of leakege possible. Easily regenerated for further use by replacing the salt bridge and standard cell solution. Built-in temperature compensation, all electronics encapsulated for protection against moisture and humidity.

  • Exceptional Performance with the Differential Electrode Measurement Technique
  • Lower Maintenance Needs with the Replaceable Salt Bridge
  • Built-in Preamp or Two-Wire Transmitter
  • Versatile Mounting Styles