FP 360 sc Oil-in-Water Sensor, 5,000 ppb, titanium body, 10 m (32.8 ft) cable, with cleaning unit

Product #: LXV441.99.22202
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Continuous oil-in-water monitoring for the right price.

Even the smallest oil traces can impair water quality. The FP 360 sc is specifically designed to detect traces of mineral oils in water while providing the necessary value and benefits for a positive return on investment. Monitors surface water, process water and industrial water continuously. It has a submersible probe design, and comes with the optional cleaning unit. Calibrate once every two years. Available in stainless steel or titanium.

  • Lowest Cost of Ownership
  • The Right Technology for the Right Price
  • Minimal Maintenance
  • Reduced Laboratory Testing
  • High Sensitivity and Selectivity

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