Nitrogen-Ammonia Reagent Set, TNT, AmVer (Salicylate),Low Range

Nitrogen-Ammonia Reagent Set, TNT, AmVer (Salicylate),Low Range
Product #: 2604545-CA
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Test 'N Tube products provide safe, convenient testing

Capped 16-mm vials provide a self-contained package for mixing and measurement.

Easy ordering

All necessary reagents and vials are contained in the package.


Description : Nitrogen, Ammonia Reagent Set, AmVer (Salicylate), LR
Instrument: See Methods/Procedures for instruments compatible with this product
Method Name: Salicylate
Method Number: 10023
Number of tests: 25 - 50
Parameter: Ammonia
Platform : Test 'N Tube
Range: 0.02 - 2.50 mg/L NH3-N
Special Remarks: Set contains: Cuvette test tubes, AmVer Diluent Reagent (2602200), Ammoniasalicylate Powder Pillows (2395266), Ammoniacyanurate Powder Pillows (2395466)
Storage conditions: 10 - 25 °C