VDK (vicinal diketones) TNTplus Vial Test (0.015-0.5 mg/kg)

Product #: TNT819
Unit Price Contact Hach
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Avoid off-flavors in your beer and safeguard your product quality by measuring VDK (vicinal diketones).

For use with your Hach DR6000 spectrophotometer. TNT819 offers you the ability to test for the presence of VDK with less hassle and chemical mess.

Additionally, these vials provide high quality results free from potential external influencers. They are designed to simplify your brewing analysis, with accurate results, every time. 

Features include:

  • Ready-to-use, high-precision pre-dosed cuvette tests
  • Reduction of errors due to bar-coded vials
  • RFID technology to document the shelf life of the cuvettes and ensure traceability of your analyses
  • Helpful Package Design

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